Local Legislators Assume Committee Roles in Support of Energy, Jobs
HARRISBURG – State Reps. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) and Dallas Kephart (R-Clearfield/Cambria) have been appointed to key positions in the General Assembly’s effort to maximize its role in Pennsylvania’s energy industry.

“Each session, House members are asked their preference for committee assignments, and you don’t always get what you request,” Kephart said. “I’m one of the few legislators who has hands-on experience with coal, so I’m eager and fortunate to be the only freshman member of the House Environmental and Energy (ER&E) Committee.”

“I am happy to have Rep. Kephart join our committee,” said Republican Chairman Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter). “He understands that expanding our energy industry is the key to growing job opportunities and building economic success locally and across the Commonwealth. I look forward to work with him toward achieving these goals.”

In addition, Kephart is joining the Coal, Oil and Gas, and Rare Earth Minerals caucuses, the latter being chaired by Armanini.

“Pennsylvania has a great opportunity to be a leader in the critical mineral and rare earth element industry,” said Armanini, who is also the ER&E Committee’s subcommittee chairman on mining. “These natural substances play a key role in the making of computer chips, smart phones, and touch screens; medical devices and state-of-the-art defense systems; and alternative energy sources such as windmills and solar panels.

“China and Russia have an abundance of these minerals, so supply chain issues are threatened only because of our reliance on them. How great would it be if we could unlock these elements and end our dependence on foreign countries?” Armanini added.

Representative Michael Armanini
75th Legislative District
Representative Dallas Kephart
73rd Legislative District

Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott Little