Kephart Applauds Recognition for Local Library
HARRISBURG -State Rep. Dallas Kephart (R-Clearfield/Cambria) is pleased to see Clearfield’s Joseph and Elizabeth Shaw Public Library receive statewide recognition.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Commonwealth Libraries recently announced grants being presented to 17 libraries in 14 counties, and the Shaw Library is in receipt of a more than $329,000 award for construction and rehabilitation of its facilities.
“I was asked and gladly agreed to sign a letter of support for this award, but the credit goes to Director Lisa Coval and her staff as recipients were selected through a competitive grant process,” added Kephart. “Individual libraries still had to take the initiative to apply for these grants, and I’m happy to see the Shaw Library was selected.” 
Questions about this or any legislative issue should be directed to Kephart’s Clearfield district office at 814-765-0609, his Hastings office at 814-247-6210 or his Osceola Mills office at 814-339-6544.

Representative Dallas Kephart
73rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little